Education in Western Australian Prisons

Education in Western Australian Prisons


 Education in Western Australian Prisons

education in Western Australian prisons

Team: Tara Innes (Team Leader), Kilkenny Ong, Joel Burren, Ashton Godfrey and Ethan Nicolas.

Partner Organisation: Prison Justice Reform WA

Project Supervisor: Roz Walker (Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow) of the Prison Justice Reform WA network.

Project Mentor: Angie Gimisis (Special Counsel) and Isabella Jackson (Lawyer) of Hall & Wilcox.

Aim: The project aims to produce a report analysing the various grounds for increasing education support in prisons by reference to a comparison of the current educational framework in WA prisons. The Project Team will simultaneously explore how digital access in prison can be improved.

Purpose: The project’s purpose is to provide an academic evidence base of the benefits of ensuring educational opportunities for life and long-term incarcerated individuals in WA to present to key stakeholders.


click the image below to read the full report